EyeOn App LLC Privacy Policy

1.0 What is EyeOn App LLC?

EyeOn App LLC is a custom software provider, and publishes apps on behalf of its customers.  This privacy policy applies to both the GANE and GaCFR Apps.

2.0 Who provides the Services and controls my information?

Regardless of where you live, the Services are operated and provided to you by EyeOn App LLC.

Our legal bases for collecting, using, sharing, and otherwise processing your information:

3.0 Our legitimate interests

We process your information in furtherance of the following legitimate interests:

4.0 Information we collect

When we provide the Services, we collect or receive information in several different ways. In many cases you choose what information to provide. Some information is required in order to use EyeOn App LLC and for us to provide the Services.  We use this information for the purposes described further below.

Note that not all EyeOn App LLC features are available in all apps, so some of the examples below may not apply to your app.

4.1 From you, or with your permission. We collect a variety of information from you when you provide it to us directly, when we request it from you.  We provide some examples of these below:

4.2 From your browser and device. Like nearly every other online service, we automatically collect technical information when you use an EyeOn App LLC app. We collect information from your mobile device.  This provides us with technical information when you use EyeOn App LLC apps, including:

5.0 How we use your information

We use the information we have to help us provide, operate, improve, understand, customize, and support our Services.

5.3 Provide and improve the Services. We use information to operate EyeOn App LLC and improve our products and features:

6.0 Your Rights

6.1 Rectify, restrict, limit, delete. We do not collect or store any personal information, so there is nothing to delete.  Not using, or deleting the app, stops all other device data from being collected.

6.2 Object. We do not offer services in the EU. If you object to the collection of device data not linked to you as an individual, cease using the app to prevent future data collection.

7.0 Sharing information with third parties

We only share information with the sponsor of the app.  For example, we may from time to time share data for the Georgia Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation App (GANE App), with the sponsor, the State of Georgia.  We never sell any user data.

7.1 Legal and safety reasons. We may retain, preserve, or share device data if we have a good-faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to (a) respond, based on applicable law, to a legal request (e.g.a subpoena, search warrant, court order, or other request from government or law enforcement); (b) detect, investigate, prevent, and address fraud and other illegal activity, security, or technical issues; (c) protect our rights, property, or safety; (d) enforce our Member Agreement or any other agreements we have with you; (e) prevent physical injury or other harm to any person or entity, including yourself and members of the general public. Our legal team reviews every request received from law enforcement.

8.0 Data transfers

If you live outside the United States, we store all data on US servers.

By continuing to use EyeOn App LLC, you understand that we may transfer and store your data outside your home country, including to and in the US, as described in this Policy. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your personal information in some of these countries may not be the same as in your home country. 

9.0 Data retention

We may retain your information in our server logs, our databases, and our records for as long as necessary in light of the purposes set out in this Policy, subject to any legal obligations to further retain such information. 

10.0 Contact Us

Email: support@eyeonapp.com